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A Beautiful Friendship-2

“But not the only part, eh Lance?” Despite all the things I had experienced over the course of the last two months, Sandy could still make me blush red enough to stop traffic. I swear, Gina couldn’t make me blush like that! I tried to fight it off and make a suave comment to follow, but I could not quite get my tongue to work.

I met up with the guys over at Sean’s about an hour and a half later. I had rushed home and hurried my way through a shower. I decided against shaving because I was short on time and I didn’t have to worry about makeup or anything. We had talked about going glam like some of the bands in L.A. were starting to do but had decided against it.

Even though we had that “Hollywood” sound like Stealer or Cure, most of us were more influenced by old gods like Sabbath or Zeppelin and current bands like Maiden. So we nixed the makeup and stuck mostly with denim and leather as opposed to the spandex and bright colors.

Besides, Gina had often said she liked a little roughness to me. Not like a beard, just a five o’ clock shadow. I slipped on a pair of 501’s that were starting to show their age in the right places, slipped on my black motorcycle boots and an old concert tee, and grabbed my fav black leather on the way out the door. My gear was already at Sean’s from Friday’s rehearsal.

We got to the hall just in time to check things out and hear a little from the band that was headlining tonight. They had a guitar player named Jake that could absolutely shred.

Suddenly I was glad that we would be off the stage a couple of hours by the time he took his first solo. There were four bands playing tonight and we were the first. Jake wouldn’t get on stage until midnight and our set would start about 8:30. I knew I was good but I would be remembered better for the time lag then if I had played right before him.

“Dude, he’s almost as good as you,” said Jimmy from behind me.

“Bite your fucking’ tongue J!” I replied, “He totally outclasses me. He is way cleaner and he doesn’t have to pause between phrases as much as I do. His notes ring out as individuals, mine tend to run together. He’s a pro, I’m an amateur.”

“Yeah,” said Jimmy, a little surprised at my reaction, “Maybe. But you’re faster, man.”

“OK, granted, I might be a little faster. But speed isn’t everything,” I said, enjoying the praise but not willing to let Jimmy win the exchange, “Some things are better when they are done a little slower and cleaner, you know, more drawn out, longer lasting. At least that’s what your girl Terri told me last night.”

Sean and Rob cracked up as Jimmy tried to make up his mind about whether to be pissed or not. A smile spread over his face as he made his decision.

“Hear that boys, Lance has got his arrogance on! We’re going to fucking’ rock tonight!”

Jimmy had been right. It was the best show I ever played and I wasn’t alone. All of us had been at our best. Yet I barely remembered any of it. All through our set I had been focused out and to my right.

Gina and Sandy had shown up just a few minutes before we went on and they both looked so fucking hot I couldn’t believe it. Every song I played was for them. Part of me felt a little guilty, like I should be playing just for Gina. But I pushed that part way down.

The two of them standing there, bouncing up and down to the beat. The contrast between the two women, both looking very sexy, was dramatic and alluring.

Gina’s body had muscle, but it also had so much lushness. Her dark hair dropped down across her bare shoulders above a leather vest that was filled to bursting. She wore a short black leather skirt that showed off her strong legs. Her red lips drew the eye with the burst of color in the midst of her erotic darkness.

Sandy was the light to Gina’s shadow. Her blond hair was cut just below the shoulders and she wore a tight pale blue tank top tucked into black jeans that must have been painted on. Sandy’s body was hard and muscular, with less body fat but a deep tan that accentuated every curve. Sandy was the athletic farmer’s daughter next to Gina’s smoldering temptress.

After we snagged all our gear off stage we started packing up. I had just stashed my pedals in Sean’s van and was starting to help Rob with the drums when Jimmy walked up behind me and put his hand on my arm.

“Dude, what the fuck are you doing? Get the fuck out of here!” Jimmy pointed out towards the theatre seating area where the girls would be waiting for us. “Jesus, Lance, do you think the rest of us are fucking blind? We’ll take care of it. You need to go get those two out of here before they change their mind.”

“Jimmy, what the hell are you talking about?”

“You really don’t know? So much for me having to worry about you and Terri. Lance, just take my fucking word for it and go! You always do more than your fair share, I gotcha on this one. Go!”

A Beautiful Friendship

“You guys were all awesome tonight Lance. I’m so proud.” Janet and Terri were both always a little protective of me, because of what had gone down with mom and because I was the “shy” one. They had both embraced Gina from day one and the three had become fast friends. I hoped Sandy hadn’t felt isolated.

Terri stood up next to Janet and said, “C’mon, Jan. Let’s go corral our men. Very nice to finally meet you Sandy. Bye!” Terri took Janet by the elbow and led her towards the backstage door. I turned to wave goodnight and then put my attention back where it belonged.

“So, you want to stay for the other bands?” I asked Gina and Sandy. I suspected and hoped I knew what the answer would be since I knew that this was not Sandy’s favorite kind of music.

Gina glanced over at Sandy, who smiled and gave a slight nod. “Uh, no Lance, actually we were thinking of having a little private celebration.” As Gina said this she stood up and took my hand. She drew me in and kissed me hard and long. “I want a drink and some action and I’m not going to get either one of them here. Sandy and I thought the three of us could go back to her place and have a beer or something…”

“Yeah, that’s cool with me. Let’s just swing by Sean’s and pick up my car on the way. You know, for later…” Now what was funny about that? Both girls moved off laughing quietly. Gina pulled me along behind her and we headed out into the evening air.

As we walked to Sandy’s pickup truck, I felt like I owned the world. I had played a great show, the crowd had gone wild and we were sure to get more stage gigs after that performance. That meant that much less time until my new van and more privacy with Gina. On top of that I was walking out in style with a gorgeous babe under each arm, both of them grabbing my…Hey! “Uh, Sandy?”

“Well Lance, I just couldn’t help noticing this little rip you got in these jeans,” Sandy’s fingertips brushed against the skin of my ass where she had slipped a couple of fingers into the hole to which she was referring. “I’ve been watching you dance around on stage for an hour giving out free looks and I thought that since I was such a special friend I deserved more than what the other girls in the audience got.”

“Just relax baby, I’m right here and this is my idea,” whispered Gina into my ear, “You know how I am about trying new things.”

“Gina,” said Sandy, “Did you know he’s not wearing anything under these jeans? At least, not that I can feel.”

Yes,” replied my love with a giggle, “He seems to have a sixth sense about that. Always going around commando at the right times, if not always. You’ll notice he doesn’t own a single pair of jeans with a zipper.”

“He wears underwear at work. I know, I’ve checked.”

Ok, this was getting embarrassing. Not only are they talking about me like I’m not even here, but the subject matter…like I said, Sandy can always make me blush.

“OK,” I started hesitantly as we arrived at the truck, “Just what are you two up to? Not that I’m not enjoying the attention, but…”

Gina spun me around and stopped my mouth with a kiss. I felt her legs relax and I was suddenly leaning into her on the passenger door of Sandy’s F150. She kept my tongue busy while Sandy walked around the back, unlocked the drivers’ door and leaned over to unlock our side. Then she released the grip of her hand in my long red hair and gave me that you-better-listen-if-you-want-to-live look of hers.

“Lance, I’m only saying this once. You want this, Sandy wants this and you better god-damned believe I want this,” Gina whispered fiercely to me, “Neither of you has the guts to risk the friendship but you want each other bad.

As for me, if you have had your eyes closed all this time to the way Janet, Terri and I treat each other, well; we’ll deal with that later. Tonight, for once in your fucking life, don’t analyze. Just have fun. Now slide into that truck and put your god-damned hand on her thigh where it belongs.”

I’d like to say that I was smart enough to do as I was told but I think I was just too shocked and confused to do anything else.

Sandy trembled when I placed my left hand on her thigh as Gina had suggested. I squeezed slightly and she turned her head to look into my eyes. If the eyes are pools then I could see the question floating on their surface.

But as I continued to leave my hand where it was I saw something deeper, a hunger that I had been in denial about and perhaps she had too. I had gotten so used to thinking of Sandy as my unreachable mentor that I had made certain assumptions about her side of things.

Now, as Gina slammed the door and snuggled into me, I saw a confirmation in Sandy’s eyes. It was not so much a decision-making moment as it was a relaxation about a decision already made.
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