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Big Breasted Secretary spanked and caned by her Big Bad Boss

Nineteen year old Stephanie Tweddle was in big trouble and she knew it.

Glancing up from her desk, she could see through the glass partition Mr
Thompson, her boss practicing his swing as he waited for her to knock on
his office door at the stroke of 5pm sharp.

"Oh heck!!"

The ticking of the clock got louder and louder as the seconds passed
more quickly than she thought possible until.....

Ding dong, ding dong.

Five O'clock had finally arrived. With her belly doing flip-flops and
her ass cheeks cringing with fright, Stephanie got to her feet, put the
"Size 6 to 10 inches deluxe battery operated model stock list" file away
in its correct drawer and reached around to smooth the material of her
tight checkered tartan skirt down as she made her way to his office.

Rat-a-tat-TAT !!

At the sound of the rap, Laurence Thompson, owner and proprietor of
Thompson's Erotic Enterprises looked up and smiled as he saw the shadow
of his secretary through the glass waiting for her caning.

Ah....Miss Tweddle.

From the moment he interviewed her for a job all those months ago when
she wobbled in wearing a tight black skirt with an even tighter white
blouse hiding what were undoubtedly an enormous pair of tits, he knew
that she was the secretary for him, even with her lack of experience.
Truth to tell, he couldn't keep his eyes of her massive melons as she
sat before him biting her rosy lips and fiddling with a stray strand of
her long fiery red hair.

At first he smiled, ignoring her mistakes with a "don't worry my dear,
you'll learn." hug before giving her rather splendid ass a wee pat that
made her squeak and giggle in surprise. In fact come to think of it, she
didn't seem to mind his little indiscretions at all!!

Perhaps she thought them a small price to pay for him keeping her on in
spite of her increasingly frequent boo-boo's. But unknown to her Mr
Thompson had other idea's, for in his quiet moments he was a connoisseur
of the female form and quite enjoyed having a young lady to chastise
on the odd occasion though even as a confirmed bachelor in his
mid-forties those opportunities were rare indeed and invariably were
with the begrudging assistance of "handsomely paid ladies of the night"
who were not into it at all....

"Come in" he called as he sat back in his leather chair.

The door creaked open a bit and the pensive face of his secretary peeked
round it.

"Yes.? " he sighed, enjoying the moment as he always did.

""M..Mr Thompson ?" she stuttered licking her upper lip with that dainty
tongue of hers. "I..I'm here for my c..caning Sir."

He motioned for her to enter and close the door behind her.

"Right Stephanie, lets have these frilly things down shall we, then you
can bend over the desk and we can make a start okey-dokey?" he ordered
standing over her and flexing the thin rattan between his hands before
bending it into an arch that had the quivering girl boggle eyed in fear.
Having discarded her skirt, she reached behind her and slipped her
slender fingers into the waistband of her black french knickers before
with a swivel of her wide hips easing them down to mid-thigh.

"Splendid my dear, now...you remember what we said last time I caned
you?" he asked as she stood before him with downcast eyes, hands clasped
in front of her fanny trying to hide her soft puss before his leering gaze.


Last time?


"Oh my...he doesn't want me to do that now?! "Wh...what, here now Sir?"
she squeaked, swallowing hard as he let the tip of the cane go, and
stared in morbid fascination as it wobbled and waved before her red
face. "Oh please Mr Thompson I don't think I should,” she hiccuped
shivering, knowing that he would brook no argument from her.

Folding his arms, he shook his head. "A proper big girl punishment
will do you good Stephanie, so come on… off with your blouse this
minute and hurry up for I haven't got all day girl!!" he indicated,
pointing to her white garment.

"Oh Sir..." she pouted as with a sigh, she reached up and began to undo
the small white buttons on her tight white blouse with her boss watching
her striptease with his tongue poking the inside of his right cheek in
rapt admiration as she wobbled and wriggled before slipping off her
garment, folding it and placing it neatly on the chair beside her.
Beneath a mass of hair, she glanced up at him with the question hanging
between them.

He nodded.

So, taking a deep breath she reached behind her causing her
over-developed encased boobs to thrust out towards him as she fiddled
with the fiddly strap until.....


Her bra fell away causing each massive bouncy balloon to spring free
before she reached across with an arm to try and hide them from his gaze
which, in the circumstances was nigh impossible due to their impressive
size and fullness as the flesh oozed over her guard.

“You’re such a bad girl, Stephanie,” he said as he bent down to pick up
her bra from the floor, taking the chance to admire her pretty, shaved

He examined the tag and shouted, “34J, what the fuck is that? Were you
trying to get to the end of the alphabet? I knew you were a bad girl but
I didn’t think you were this bad! I imagine these grotesquely overgrown
funbags are not in any pain. That is unacceptable! My god, I’m going to
have to hurt you so much for that!”

"W...wouldn't you rather s..ser..spank my bum Mr Thompson like you did
the last time I made a mistake..peeeeer..pleeease?" she sniffled as she
saw him tapping the cane on his palm.

Mr Thompson smiled to himself as he remembered the first time when he
called her into his office after she had made one costly mistake too many
to ignore.

"Sack?" she gasped as she sat before his desk, her surprise writ large
over her pretty face.

He nodded. "I'm sorry Stephanie, you're a lovely lass but you just
cannot keep making mistakes like you've been doing sweetheart....I'll
pay you up for the rest of the week but I think its best if we call it a
day." he explained, feeling awkward as he liked her a lot and not just
because of her obvious charms. To his dismay, Stephanie started to sniff
and sniffle as she bowed her head and fiddled with the hem of her black

"I..I thought I was doing alright Mr Thompson even though I can be a bit
of a scatterbrain at times and forget things you tell me to do..but
but...please don't sack me Sir..cos..cos..." she hiccuped and looked up
at him tearfully in faint hope. Reaching over the table he handed her
his hanky to dry her eyes.

Scatterbrained!! That was one word for it, the evidence was piled high
in his stockroom due to her last boo boo, stack upon stack of cardboard
boxes stuffed with "Rita Rectum - an ass fucker’s dream come
true....and she never says NO!!" blow up dolls that reached to the
bloody ceiling!!

He shook his head. "I'm sorry Stephanie....it just hasn't worked out."
he smiled apologetically.

"But..but you don't understand Sir, me dad will go ballistic when he
finds out I've been sacked and he'll...he'll.." she whispered as her
face went white.

"He'll what?" he asked, curious in spite of his resolve as to the reason
why she was so upset and flustered.

Blinking away her tears, she looked down at the floor and bit her lip
wondering if she should say anything - family secrets and all that, but
she knew she had to try and keep her job or she'd really be in for it
when her dad got home from work.

"He'll..well, its..its see he's ever so strict is me dad Mr Thompson an'
he goes mental if I get into trouble and all...so if you give me the
sack fer being so daft, he'll blow his top and he'll...spa..er..spank me
an' an' he has this big leather belt an' he'll probably use that on me
bum as well!!" she whispered, blushing to the roots of her red hair as
the tears dribbled down her rosy cheeks.



"He spanks you?" he asked shocked, his mind working over-time as his
heart bounced around inside his chest as he listened to this young lady
reveal her part innocently in a secret fantasy fetish of his.

"Yes Sir, really really hard an' all." she pouted as she watched him sit
back in his chair and tap his fingers together as if re-considering
sacking her. She smiled hesitantly at him, perhaps he was going to think
kindly on her and not let her get into trouble with her father...after
all he did give her the job in the first place even though she had no
experience or qualifications for the post.

But Mr Thompson had other ideas. He sat forward. "Stephanie, I have a
proposition to put to you which may help us both er....come to some sort
of satisfactory arrangement....if you're willing that is." he began.

She nodded her head enthusiastically. He wasn't going to sack her!!

As she sat listening, her boss smiled and outlined what would be
required of her for him not to dismiss her but as he continued her joy
turned from outright relief, to a furrowed brow of bemusement,
puzzlement and finally, as the penny dropped her mouth fell open when he
finished by saying....

"So Stephanie, if you want to keep your job you have to let me spank you
after every mistake and if you've made a really, really big one like
ordering 500 blow up dolls instead of 50 well, I'm sure I can find
something other than my hand to use on your bum, so what do you think,
do we have a deal?" he finished sitting back and grinning at her like
the cat who got the cream.

Stephanie just sat staring at him dumbstruck with big round eyes, but
in her heart of hearts knowing it was either get the sack and get a
thorough walloping off her old man or submit her fat bottom to Mr
Thompson instead and keep her job. Talk about "out of the frying pan
into the fire!!" She stuck out her tongue and licked her upper lip as
she glanced down at his hands. Big hands. Oh heck!! But she knew that he
knew that she knew she was in serious poop and that she had no choice in
the matter.
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