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My first experience with my cousin-1

I’m going to continue with my newest story, however this time it’s still coming from my mind, but instead of my imagination it’s coming from memory. This is the true story of how I became sexually involved with my cousin.

My cousin and I have always had a really close relationship. He’s only 5 weeks older than me, so really from birth we’ve been close. Our mum’s are sisters so I’ve always seen a lot of him and had him as a big part of my life.

When we were younger, about 10/11, our minds were starting to grow and develop. We both had questions and curiosities involving sex and the opposite sex. Around this age we used to discuss certain things we’d heard on the playground about sex and what not, sharing stories that thinking back to now, were complete nonsense but at the time, they were so interesting.

We were both very open with each other; we’d sit in the bathroom together while the other went to the toilet or had a shower, so we were very aware of what each other looked like naked, from a very young age. One day when we were younger, I was so curious that I asked could I touch him, down there. He was quick to agree, as long as I returned the favor.

He pulled down his trousers and I poked his little reluctantly, laughing like the little girl I was. When I had finished examining I let him do the same. Our relationship continued like this for a while as children, but when we got a bit older, and realized that touching your cousin like that was wrong, it stopped. Our relationship always stayed close though. We told each other everything, we were constantly texting each other, there was nothing we didn’t tell each other.

He’s a very good looking guy, so he always has got a lot of female attention, and has always had a lot of girlfriend’s, which he’d always discuss with me and get my advice on. I was the same; I’d come to him for advice about boyfriends and tell him all about my friends and everything that was going on with me. We’d often go out together; we were more like best friends than family.
One night I’d just got into bed, when I got a text.

I checked my phone to see that it was from him, we began texting back and forth as we did most nights, talking about our days and what we had planned for tomorrow. After a while of chatting the texting stopped for a while, I presumed he must have fallen asleep or something, and put my phone down. After a further 10 minutes or so I heard my phone go off again. The text read “I was thinking today, do you remember when we were kids and we used to mess about with each other?” At first I didn’t really get what he meant, so replied “what do you mean ‘mess about’?”

I tried to think to what he could have meant, I thought he was talking about when we’d play together, as kids do, I realized I was wrong when I got his reply, “I mean when we were curious, we ‘messed about’ with each other...down there LOL” at this I couldn’t help but burst out laughing, I’d never expected this to get brought up, and I’d always thought that if it did, it’d be incredibly awkward, but to my surprise it wasn’t, it made me laugh.

I was sure he was laughing about it too, I replied “Oh gosh! Of course I remember that LOL, I can’t even believe we did things like that, but we were young we didn’t realize it was wrong”, to this I got a “LOL” in reply and a quick change of the subject, as he started asking me about the upcoming weekend when my mum and his went to my Nan’s, and often we’d go with them to catch up with family. We agreed that we’d both go that weekend as it’d been a few weeks since we’d seen each other.

The conversation ended as normal that night with me deciding to go to sleep, wishing him goodnight and telling him I’d see him at the weekend. Everything was normal, the way we’d always been, nothing could warn me for how things were going to change.

The weekend came and I went with my mum to my Nan’s. When I got there we all sat around for a while, a few of my aunts and uncles were there with their young children, my cousin and I am the eldest of the grandchildren. After a while we decided to escape the lounge and the “oldies” to go off to the back room where we’d often go when we got bored of the old people’s conversations. There was a TV and couches in there for us to chill out.

We sat and talked and watched some TV for a while. After some chatting, the conversation turned to our texting a few nights before. I decided to bring up what he had said as I found it so funny.
“I can’t believe you brought that up the other night!” I said jokingly.

“Brought what up?” He asked, looking quite confused.

“About what we used to do!” I replied, through laughing. He laughed back with me, putting his head in his hands.

“I know, I was just thinking about it that day, and I thought, ‘I have to bring this up!’ I knew you’d find it funny as well!” He said.

“I did find it funny as hell!” I replied, “I’m just glad it didn’t make anything awkward!”

“No not awkward at all!” He reassured me, “I can’t even remember when all that stopped, or why” he said. I laughed, the memories coming back to me even more.

“We just got older and obviously thought it was wrong to be doing that as we’re cousins!” I said, trying to stop laughing to sound more serious.

“Yeah I guess so” he said laughing back at me, “Well, at least I can say I’ve seen AND touched your pussy” he said, winking at me and laughing even more.

I suppose this should have turned the mood awkward, but I just found it hilarious.

“Yeah I suppose you can” I said through fits of laughter “and I can say I’ve touched your cock!” I said.

We both sat and laughed together for a while, before he said “Well, even though I’ve seen and touched your pussy, I’m still not as lucky as other lads” he said, smiling at me. I felt confusing, not knowing what he meant, but didn’t say anything, just looked at him with a confused expression.

“Well, others have got to see and feel them big tits! They weren’t there when I had my chance” he said, pointing to my chest.

I gasped and laughed at him putting my hands on my boobs, “they’re mine to touch, nobody else!” I said. We continued to laugh together and the conversation continued like this. We kept it jokey all day and had a good laugh together. Later on his mum came in and told him she was going and if he wanted a lift back he’d have to leave now too.

She left the room and he stood up, I stood up with him to say goodbye, he gave me a hug as always, but this time he squeezed me right into him and began laughing, “Yep, they definitely weren’t there before, it never felt like that when I gave you one of them hugs” he said. I laughed at him and gently pushed him.

He left and shortly after that my mum and I did the same.

That night we began texting as we did most other nights. It didn’t take long for our conversation to turn the way it had during the day. We began joking as we had, until he said “I think I should be as privileged as other lads” I stared at the text for a while, not really knowing how to reply, the way we were talking felt quite flirty, but I liked it. The thought of incest had always been a turn on for me, with porn and other things, was I really going to get to live it out myself? I wondered.

“What do you mean?” I replied. I found myself beginning to become eager for his replies, this had never happened before. The thought that I was going to get my own shot at the kind of thing that turned me on the most was so exciting. But the more I thought about it, the more I told myself I was being stupid, and that it would never happen. My thinking was interrupted by the sound of my phone receiving another text.

“Well, I should be privileged enough to see them big tits, I was the first to see and touch your pussy, I should get to see them too! Wink” reading this I began to smile, he really was flirting with me, or was this just his way of joking with me?

“Well maybe one day you’ll get to Wink” I replied. As I sent this reply I felt my stomach churn. Was I taking it too far now?

He took his time replying to this one, which worried me; I didn’t want to have taken it the wrong way if he was still joking, but my panic was over when I received his next message.

“I may have to hold you to that babe, and to be honest I’m hoping you’re not still joking, it wouldn’t be fair to get me this excited Wink” he said. It appeared we’d both gone past the jokey side of this.

To be continued........................
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