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Erotic Adventures in Thailand - III

Anupam led theminside, ignoring the office area, but explaining that the sofa's were thewinnings of a wager between Siddharth Jhaveri and Steve Jobs and the woodencoffee table between them was crafted by “Rajendra Kumar” as a gift. Arpitdidn't quite know what to say, finding it all very surreal.

He followed theold man through a gap in the walls, seeing a bedroom off to the right, and thenit opened up to a large area at the back. Directly in front of him was a verylarge bed, a four poster draped at the corners with fine linen. To either sideof it the white walls curved from the sides to the back, with archways in each.

"To yourleft is your en-suite bathroom, Master Arpit," Anupam explained."Over on the right is your dressing room. Your luggage has been unpacked,although many of the items are being pressed and will be returned within thehour."

"This is mybedroom?" Arpit asked, looking around. A couple of big armchairs sat tothe right with another TV on the wall, while the left side of the room wascovered in bookcases.

"This is it,Arpit," Shikha told him. "My room is just over there," Sheadded, pointing to the right at the bedroom he'd spotted as they came in.

"This ismessed up," He muttered, feeling really awkward. He'd never been in suchluxury in his life, let alone inheriting it. The idea of being an owner ofthis... paradise was overwhelming.

"Can yougive us a minute please, Anupam," Shikha said quickly. As the old mandisappeared, she took Arpit by the elbow and steered him over to the bed andsat him down. "Are you okay?"

He spread hishands, looking around. "This is insane."

Shikha frowned."Maybe you should get some sleep, Arpit. You'll feel better for it."

Arpit shrugged,knowing he was exhausted but there was just too much going on in his head."I don't think I could sleep if I tried."

"Try,"She said firmly. "What's your usual sleeping habits?"

"What do youmean?"

"Do yousleep on one side of the bed in particular? Do you wear pyjamas or sleep in thenude? Do you usually read, or watch TV, or just shut your eyes until you driftoff?"

"Let's see.I usually sleep on the right side of the bed, and I don't wear pyjamas,"He explained.

"You sleepin the nude?"

Arpit blushed alittle, but nodded.

Shikha shrugged."It's no biggie. Me too. What about before you drift off?"

Arpit grinnedsheepishly.

"Okay,"Shikha said immediately. "Probably time we had a frank discussion,actually."

Arpit satupright, wondering where this was going.

"I workedfor Siddharth Jhaveri for a long time. It's a demanding job, often witheighteen hour days, meetings, office days, social events, vacations, everywherehe went I went."


"You can'twork that closely with someone without knowing a lot about thempersonally," She continued. "When it came to Mister Jhaveri I knewalmost everything."

"Likepersonal stuff?"

"Verypersonal stuff," She nodded. "Intimate stuff. I can't tell you howmany times I've seen him naked, or he's seen me naked. When you pretty muchlive with someone in hotel rooms, places like this, or you're getting changedin a limo between a meeting and a social engagement, it kind of makes personalmodesty a bit of a nuisance."

"It kind ofsounds a bit... above and beyond the job description," Arpit said, reallynot sure where she was going with this. The thought of seeing Shikha naked atsome point definitely held a great deal of appeal though.

"Let me giveyou a hypothetical example," She said, grinning. "You lie down hereand go to sleep, right. I come and wake you up in a few hours and you need tourinate. What does that mean?"

"I need togo to the bathroom," Arpit shrugged.

She rolled hereyes. "If you're asleep and you need to urinate, how does your bodyreact?"

"Oh,"Arpit said quickly. "I'd get an... erection."

"Right,"She nodded. "So I've come in to wake you up, you're lying sleeping on yourback with only a sheet covering you and you've got a bad case of morningwood." Shikha grinned. "Do you think I'm not going to notice?"

Arpit laughed."Okay. So I won't sleep on my back."

She shook herhead. "The point I'm making is that stuff like this is going to happen. Atsome point I'll see things, you'll see things, and it's important that youdon't get all bent out of shape about it."

Arpit just shookhis head. Another bizarre conversation amidst a series of bizarre experiences.

"Let me giveyou another example," She continued. "From time to time MisterJhaveri would entertain... female company. I would sometimes make thearrangements."

"You meanhookers?" Arpit asked bluntly, frowning.

Shikha laughedand shook her head. "Do you think Mister Jhaveri ever had to pay someoneto sleep with him?"

Arpit thoughtback to all the times he'd seen him in magazines or on the TV, often with amodel or actress or singer on his arm. He was a common recurrence on the top100 bachelors lists on a frequent basis.

"I guessnot," He replied. "But then some people like that."

"Theydo," Shikha nodded. "If that's something you're into then I canarrange that for you too."


She nodded calmlyas if it was like ordering a sandwich. "Sure."

"Not reallyto my tastes," Arpit said, shaking his head.

She smiled."I didn't think so. That's good for me. However, if you're attending filmpremieres or public events, sometimes it will be good for your profile to havesomeone on your arm."


"Yes, butmore specifically a public figure. Actress, musician, model, TV presenter. Wetend to steer clear of the reality TV crowd."

"So youarrange stuff like that?"

"Sure,"Shikha nodded. "Sometimes it's only for walking the carpet, get a fewpictures. Sometimes it's a real date. Occasionally it's a hookup."

"Holy shit.Talk about a different world."

"That's oneof the million reasons why I'm here, Arpit," She reminded him. "It'dprimarily business but I'm here to help you personally too. There's lots tolearn and I'm here to help. Now, back to the topic at hand. Getting you somesleep."


"I'm gonnabe blunt here, Arpit. Sometimes it's the best way," She said, looking himin the eye. "Most people masturbate before they go to sleep. I take it youdo too?"

Arpit laughed,unable to hide the slight blush that hit his cheeks. "And I thought allthis was insane before."

"You'll getused to it. Incidentally, if I know this now then it means I won't be walkingin on you midway through."

"Okay, fairenough. Yeah, I usually do." His thought flitted to Tanmy and Trisha, theinspiration for many of his late night fantasies. He pushed those thoughtsaway, knowing that to think of that now was kinda fucked up.

"Okay. I'mmore of a shower girl myself," Shikha added, shrugging. "Fair's fair,so if you tell me, I'll tell you."

"That'sgonna mess with my head," Arpit said, grinning.

"You'll getover it," Shikha chuckled.

"You sure?In the last five minutes you've talked about me having erections, told me I'llsee you naked tons of times and told me how you play with yourself. You dorealise you're really hot, right?"

Shikha laughed."Oh, I know where this conversations headed, and I'm telling you, acceptright now that it's never going to happen, Arpit."

"What? Meand you?" The idea was tantalising, and maybe it was lack of sleep butArpit decided to throw caution to the wind. "I think it's a greatidea."

"It's nevergonna happen, Arpit," She said, smiling. "It never happened withMister Jhaveri, and it's not going to happen with you either. We won't havethat type of relationship."

Arpit chuckled."Well that's a bit depressing."

"Let me clarifysomething. You've seen your friends Vishal and Rohit naked, right?"

Arpit screwed uphis face. "Why did you have to put that thought in my head?"

Shikha chuckled."They're your friends, right? You sometimes see things with them, but itdoesn't make it a sexual thing. You don't actively look, but sometimes you seestuff. Sometimes you even joke about it, right?"


"Well, thinkof me that way."

Arpit chuckled."You know you're a woman though, and they're guys, right?"

"As I said,you'll get used to it. We don't cross that line though, okay? I can't do my jobif things start getting weird... emotional, know what I mean?"

Arpit saw she wasbeing serious and met her gaze. "I hear what you're saying," He saidfinally. "There'll be moments, but if we talk about it now, then it won'tbe a big deal when it happens and we can just move on, right?"


"You knowyou're hot though, right?" Arpit grinned.

"Oh, I knowit. I know at some point you'll get drunk and make a move on me too, and I'llhave to put you to your bed and mock you mercilessly for days about it. I knowat some point I might even get a bit smitten with you, but I'll get overit." She shrugged. "The gist of this conversation? You can talk to meabout anything. I'll help you out with whatever you want or need, nojudgements, but there's a line. Fair enough?"

Arpit frowned butnodded. "I guess so. This couldn't have been easy for you to bringup."

Shikha laughed."I've been planning this conversation in my head for two days."

"Did it goas planned?"

"Nowherenear it," She laughed. "But I think we're pretty clear on where westand, right?"

"Yeah,"Arpit nodded, actually feeling closer to her now as a result of it.

Shikha grinned."And you know that it's not an invite to just walk in on me when I'mshowering?"

Arpit chuckled."Well, the temptation will be there, but I'll restrain myself."

"Good,"She said. "Now try and get some sleep. And if you need some femalecompany, just let me know. There's a very good masseuse who works on theIsland, and she's certainly enthusiastic."

Arpit's eyeswidened. "You mean?"

"I mean shewas about to go into a career in porn because she's that enthusiastic."



"So that'swhy she works on the Island?" Arpit asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Actuallynot at all," Shikha replied.
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