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Sexy Shyamalavathy

Kama Shyamala
Kamini Shyamala, Kamakshi Shyamala, Kama Sundari, Kavya Sundari, Kakinada Kaja, Kala Sundari, Kama Sutra, Kinky Sexy, Kokila Sundari, Kaluva Shyamala, Kalla Sundari, Kama Shankhini, Kama Shobha,
Kurala Sundari, Kinetic & Sensuous.

Chapter 1
Shyamalavathy, a lecturer whose husband was alcoholic and suffered from diabetes that had robbed him of all sexual desire and left them in a sexless marriage for many years. She was forty seven, mother of two girls and a boy aged twenty two, nineteen and sixteen respectively when her husband died. Shyamalavathy was twenty two when she married to thirty two years old husband, a Lecturer, one year after his first wife died. He was a suspecting and dominating husband. She led the life accepting the fate, living with her cruel and abusive husband for the sake of children. She was beautiful and sexy. Every man who looked at her desired her. Her husband used to torment her for no fault of her, when a man looked at her. She did not have financial freedom and suffered humiliation, physical and emotional abuse from her suspecting husband.

She did not feel sad or have feelings of grief. She did not mourn. She felt relief, free as if she is set free from life term imprisonment. She felt happy, joyous and elated. Instead of being gloomy and sad she felt monstrous joy which means there would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature. She did not have feelings of grief, sorrow and sad. She is experiencing complete joy over the death of her husband, because of the resentment and helplessness that built up over the years. she has been mistreated by her husband in the relationship since marriage. His death is for the best for her. She felt relief that he is dead and can't hurt now. She felt better, calmer and Safer and happy.

She thought, 'I wasn’t good at being assertive, so his selfish, inconsiderate domination walked all over me. I was a living doormat. It’s not easy being a living doormat. Anyone woman who has attempted to survive such an existence will agree. I was resentful, exhausted, used up, abused and wounded. I did not feel loved. At the same time, I knew he needed me in his life because of my salary. I was used and abused. I've never been happier since my husband died.' Being a widow is good for her because there is no suffering and less stress after her husband died and free to live her life as she wants. She was thinking how best to use her newly acquired freedom.

She accepted condolences from friends and relatives calmly. Since her happiness is socially unacceptable, she masked her happiness feelings in the presence of other people, except in front of children. Surprisingly even the children did not feel sad due to the loss of dominating and dictatorial father. During the customary mourning period of her husband, she said it repeatedly under her breath - free, free, free! The vacant look that was present in her utterance followed it into and escaped her eyes, they remained bright and keen. She kept saying free! Body and soul free. She has gone through customary mourning period till 13th day ceremony for
the sake of society concealing her pleasure and freedom.

On tenth day after her husband's demise, She received a letter from an unknown person named Shiva. He praised her beauty, expressed his love, and admiration. She was surprised to receive such letter immediately after becoming a widow. She wondered whether a man known to her has written with a pseudo name. Every day she received handwritten voluminous letters on beautiful stationary containing erotic kamasutra positions and Khujaraho sculptures in the background for a week from him. The letters day by day became more voluminous, amorous, erotic, explicit, enthralling, romantic, and passionate. Each day she read the letters with curiosity and increased interest.

Chapter 2 - The letters

My darling beautiful Sexy Kama Shyamalavathy,

I love you. I like you. I want you. You are beautiful, erotic and sexy. I like your smile, the way you hold your head, and your very essence entrances me and takes me to a place where, for reasons unknown to me, I feel like I want to have you as mine. I guess some people would call that love, but it is much more intense and passionate. I fell in love with you ten years ago, the first time I saw you - Love at first sight. But could not express my heartfelt intense love, lust and immense desire to you because you are married and have children and various other reasons. I am thirty three years old. I have been in love with you for ten years. The feelings inside me for you are profound, intense, terrifying and terrific all at once.

I like your tall, dark, curvaceous sexy erotic sensuous body, smooth, radiant glowing healthy skin, beautiful face, deep set kajal lined expressive eyes, well defined thick curvaceous eyebrows. Your well-defined juicy wide full thick pouting pronounced cupid bow heart shaped lips reveals passionate, artistic, creative, intelligent, energetic, erotic, seductive and sensuous personality. I am attracted to your long, curved, and almost-concave slope with a slight upward peak at the tip nose, long smooth neck and sexy round shoulders, fat smooth arms, artistic long fingers, large huge voluminous firm pendulous mountainous breasts hung from lean chest, big nipples extending out of your brazenly top heavy frame. I admire your taut thin waist curvaceously spread onto wide bottom and big hemispherical protruding inverted pots-like hips, your beautiful black, hip length, soft, silky, lustrous, smooth, shining, wavy, voluminous, uniformly thick hair. I want to hold your hair arranged into a bewitchingly beautiful thick braid. I admire your curvaceous erotic exciting body, firm yet full at the bosom and wide round hips. I want to kiss your prominent fleshy belly button with deep hole and wide rim carving lusciously in a vortex to fit a jewel. I like your beautiful and sexy taut and fit body with flat stomach. Your curves are well defined for a forty seven year old mature woman. I want to fondle your large, globular, firm, and voluminous breasts hanging from your lean chest. Your thick smooth fat arms, huge enormous hips and butt excite me. You have an erotic body, incredible hips. You maintained and stayed pretty fit, but left enough fat on your ass, thighs and chest to shape a curvy figure despite advancing age. Your sexy curvaceous body and personality makes you immensely desirable. Your thick arms also indicate that you have very thick very fat enormous thunderous thighs. The shape and size of your wide mouth succulent juicy thick cupid lips indicate that you have juicy thick cunt lips and enormously significant big clitoris and deep big cunt.

Your name, K. Shyamalavathy reveals your style and nature - Kama, Sexy, Horny, Aphrodisiac, Magnificent, Adorable, Lust, Admirable, Voluptuous, Amorous, Tantalizing, Hot and Yearning. Your initials KS indicate Kama Shyamala, Kamini Shyamala, Kamakshi Shyamala, Kama Sundari, Kavya Sundari, Kala Sundari, Kama Sutra, Kinky Sexy, Kokila Sundari, Kaluva Shyamala, Kalla Sundari, Kama Shankhini, Kama Shobha, Kurala Sundari, Kinetic & Sensuous. You are like Kakinada Kaja, hard on the surface and sweet and juicy in the core. Only when someone bites into Kakinada Kaja the real taste is experienced.

I wish I could kiss you in the morning everyday and remind you fresh each day how lovely and sexy you are, how beautiful your smile is, how sexy your husky voice is, your words, your hands, your freckles, your expressive eyes, your thick arms, your mouth, your juicy succulent thick cupid shaped lips, your huge protruding, breasts, your thin waist, and your nose make me crazy with desire, to kiss you for every sweet thing about you even though that would take a thousand years. I would like to kiss your juicy lips and drink your cunt kamarasa - nectar every night. I wish I could whisper in your ear and have it be the first thing you hear in the morning; tell you what you mean to me, how wonderful you are, how special you are, how the world is a better place with you in it, desire you, crave you right there in your bedroom. No matter what you think you look like, you are heart-breaking, beautiful and desirable to me in every way. I wish I knew your feelings and thoughts, tastes, preferences, desires and fantasies.
On seeing you first time I felt fatal physical attraction and immense desire to have you. I find that I nevertheless share some sort of connection with you. I am obviously sexually attracted to you and enamored by your beautiful and sexy appearance, but at the same time have this sense that the two of us are related for more than one life. We will be able to connect on a deeper emotional level than purely a physical one. I want to know the real you. Let us begin to get to know each other. Let us know and explore each other. I want you to be mine. I feel you are mine and you belong to me. Let us share aspirations, dreams, desires, fantasies, feelings, ideas, memories, musings, secrets, thoughts uninhibitedly without any hesitation. Open up your mind for me and share your thoughts, whatever they are I can understand and appreciate you without criticism. Consider me as your close intimate friend, your soul mate, and your alter ego. Let me enter you, your mind and explore you. The God surely took extra care when he made you so beautiful sexy and erotic for me. I do not know why did God send you to earth without enjoying your beauty. He must have been in love with you. You are a divine courtesan. God created you so beautiful for me.
You look absorbing, abstemious, adamantine, adaptable, aphrodisiac, alluring, amative, amenable, amorphous, amorous, angelic, animated, appealing, appreciable, archangelic, ardent, arresting, artistic, aristocratic, austere, bawdy, beguiling, beautiful, beatific, beckoning, beguiling, bewitching, bimbo, bubbly, bouncy, buoyant, calm, captivating, carnal, celestial, charming, chirpy, commendable, compelling, concubine, concupiscent, cognizable, cognitive, cognoscible, confident, consummate, contemplative, covetable, curious, concubine, cougar, courtesan, curvaceous, dainty, debauched, delicate, delightful, delirious, desirable, discernible, distinguishable, divine, dreamy, dazzling,, earthy, edible, ecstatic, effervescent, elated, elegant, elfin, enchanting, energetic, encomiastical, engrossing, engaging, enticing, enthusiastic, enthralling, epicurean, erogenous, erotic, estimable, euphoric, euphemistic, evoking, excellent, exemplary, exciting, expansive, extenuative, exuberant, exquisite, fabulous, fascinating, flaunting, flamboyant, flawless, floozy, fervent, flirtatious, fleshly, flowery, fuckable, frothy, galvanic, gentle, gracious, gripping, glorious, gorgeous, haunting, harlot, hedonistic, heavenly, hot, holy, hypnotic, hypnotizing, impeccable, immaculate, impish, impressive, inciting, iniquitous, intriguing, interesting, inviting, intelligent, intense, introspective, juicy, kinky, lascivious, lavish, laudable, libidinous, licentious, lovely, lovable, libertine, likable, lickable, lubricious, luring, luscious, lush, lustful, luxurious, magnetic, magnificent, magnanimous, malleable, marvellous, mature, meritorious, mischievous, mesmerizing, munificent, mystical, natty, naughty, noble, nubile, nymphomaniac, obsequious, obstinate, opulent, ostentatious, passionate, perceivable, percipient, physical, pleasantly plump, pleasing, pleasurable, pleasure-loving, pleasure-seeking, pretty, primrose, promiscuous, profligate, promiscuous, positive, proactive, provocative, prurient, pulchritudinous, putain, puzzling, ravenous, ravishing, rapacious, restrained, rich, riveting, rousing, ravenous, ribald, salacious, scopious, sexy, seductive, sensuous, sensitive, sensational, sensuous, sensory, sensualistic, slut, splendid, spellbinding, sprightly, stimulating, stirring, stunning, sparkling, steamy, stupendous, stunning, sober, soft, sublime, submissive, succulent, strumpet, sumptuous, supple, sybaritic, sycophantic, symmetrical, tramp, stunning, sybaritic, tantalizing, temptress, transcendent, tempting, thoughtful, titillating, tolerant, and vicious, voluptuous, unique, wampole, whore, wild, wonderful, zippy and zealous.
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