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Spanked By An Angel Part 1

She and he are two long-time-married lovers who exist only in this fantasy. They can do things normal people can only dream about. For example, these two lovers can be any age they want. They also could float weightlessly and make simultaneous love to each other at any angle. This causes interesting problems requiring interesting solutions. The reason they exist at all is for sexual entertainment. This story is about a pretty young widowed mother and a post high school guy.
A mother in the pew behind him was patting her baby's bottom--to keep it quiet. Her hand's pat-pat-pat was a pleasant sound to his ears. He wondered if she might also be pretty and he wanted so bad to peek! When the preacher joked and the congregation laughed, he sneaked a peek, back and toward the left, where the bottom patting sound must be coming from.

As he turned his head and sneaked a peek, her eyes met his. He felt like he was caught red-handed--a naughty boy doing something he shouldn't. Her face was pretty alright--all the more pretty because of her demure, captivating smile. Her "movie star quality" lips were irresistable to him! She continued patting her baby's bottom as she looking steadily into his eyes. He turned back around but he couldn't help continuing to listen for the sound of her hand. His thinking that that pretty mother might just guess he had a thing about her hand and that pat-pat-patting sound, plus, his peeking confirmed she was indeed pretty--all this was giving him a little 'problem' as he sat in his pew.

He had to shift his posture to make room for the beginnings of an erection--an erection he didn't want his pew neighbors to know anything about. Why did erections happen whenever he saw a pretty woman he would gladly accept a spanking from And when it started up, why couldn't he stop it before it was all the way up He never asked for this! It's just that his thing would sometimes rise up, non-stop, when he thought about spanking.

Why do mothers pat their baby's bottoms, anyways Why was he excitable whenever they did Why, once, did the only other two people in the dentist's lounge, both women, talk with each other, apparently so that he could overhear them--you guessed it--they talked about spanking--why What were they trying to do to him

He wished he could look back at her again. But what if she caught him doing 'the second look' Then she would know for sure how helplessly attracted to her he was and she might even think that maybe she was turning him on. She might guess his spanking fetish because he had looked at her hand as she patted! She would probably not like him anymore if she knew about his secret desire for a good spanking by a pretty girl. Then again, maybe if she did know, she might become his special angel--sent to take care of him in this especially intimate way!

He decided to sneak a second peek and waited for any kind of disturbance that might help him hide his irresistable interest in the pretty young mother. There it was, another small joke--he turned his head, but WHAM! She intercepted him eye to eye and again showed a smile that actually seemed sort of 'appreciative' of his helpless 'second' looking. OMG, it might occur to her that I am wishing I was in her baby's place--anywhere not here and ALONE with her--he'd be laying across her lap and she would be patting his bottom--albeit bare and harder--perhaps much harder. And as he thought these thoughts, his 'problem' just increased all the more.


She entered his mind, telepathically, from the rear and surprise, surprise!--he could hear her say, "Do you wish there was a girl who understood your one most powerful secret desire--the need to be spanked by some pretty 'girl' like me" Yes, he thought back to her, telepathically. Her face began to shine like an angel's face--loving the way he worshipped her. Her smile was even more pretty if that were possible--so much so that his eyes could NOT look away. He was so hooked on the feelings her 'responsiveness' caused.

"I know," she whispered, telepathically, exuding a sweet confidence. "You are wishing, and hoping, and waiting, and wanting me to give you that special spanking--I know it and I like it. I want to be the pretty girl you choose to spank you. It will make us both feel good. So! -- Am I reading your mind like you wished for -- I'd love to spank you. Would you love it, too" Yes, he thought back to her. YES! you have made me so happy right now. She added, "I know--I can feel your emotion." She reached toward his pants and pressed, feeling the hardness of his desire for her spanking. "I didn't know you liked me so much! But, I'm glad. If we can find somewhere to be completely alone together, I promise to fulfill your deepest secret fantasy. Would you like that"

"Would I" he reflected back to her. "I would do anything to experience that!" Her responding smile did it to him again. He loved looking and looking at her gorgeous smile. The glow in his pants was drugging him beyond reason. An "I love you!" just 'slipped out' of his secret mental garden and she 'heard' it too. "I know," she said, and then added, "I am so glad you do. I love you, too." The drug was continuing to take total control of him. Who would ever want to resist this bliss It was just too good to be true!

The people in the pews, who could have been really real, all began standing up and his mind jerked back to reality. There were the usual final good words and then everyone began merging into the aisles. He was now sideways in his aisle and could look full on at her--the 'pretty woman' of many boys' wistful dreams. Again, she smiled and--what was that Did he see her wink her eye No! It couldn't be! That would be like a dream come true and his best dreams never came true.

Since he was in front of her, he entered the main aisle before her. The aisle full of people advanced toward the exit. When he and she were in the narrow passageway to the outdoors, a most surprising thing happened. It was so surprising he wasn't sure it really happened or if he was only wishing so hard for it--that he just thought it happened. He thought he felt a distinct double pat to his right bun! Not a single bump, which could happen accidentally by anyone, but a double patting or bumping. Did she do that Did she have the nerve to do what he didn't dare do--something he could only wish for and fantasize about forever He turned to see her face--and she winked again--yes! it could only have been her hand--and it was not an accident! He had hope for a miracle now!

"Do you wonder if I have a husband" She was always one thought ahead of him. "Yes," he agreed. "Don't worry, I am a widow and my baby has no father living. The Bible says to take care of widows and the fatherless, doesn't it" Yes, he remembered hearing that once. "So would you like to take care of me this afternoon I promise I will take care of you. Would you like my phone number" "YES!" he said, a little too exuberantly, he realized. But nobody seemed to be paying any attention, fortunately.

After getting her number and address, he went to his apartment and wondered how old she was Older than he was, for sure. More experienced than he was, too. When it was time for their afternoon date, he followed her directions and arrived. He was amazed at her house. It was small but neighbors were far enough away so that they should not hear any particular sounds, if his dreams came true today. Could this be any more perfect

The door opened and there she was, with that smile he could never get over. "Come in and sit down in the living room," said his hostess's seductive sounding voice. She came almost straight to the point, "I think you liked the sound of my hand patting my baby's bottom." "Yes," he admitted. "Do you find it grabs your attention--my hand patting her bottom Do you like to listen or is it more like you can't help listening" "I can't help it," he admitted. "I know how you feel," she claimed. "You do" he was surprised, yet it was everything he could hope for.

"When I was little, I was spanked when I was naughty. My dad would take me over his lap and spank me on my bare bottom. I was always afraid of his spankings--when I was little--but I also found out I liked to hear my neighbor boy getting his bare bottom spanked by his mom whenever he was naughty. I learned to tell the difference in sound between a bare bottom spanking and one with the pants up. Could you tell whenever someone's bare bottom was being spanked Let me rephrase that--do you like it that I am talking about spanking"

"Yes, I like it when you talk about spanking," he confessed. "I'm glad," she smiled. "I think I know what you want. I think I know what you need. I think you want it so badly, you would dare to try it, just to find out what it's like--am I right" "Yes," he admitted. It was nice to not have to explain and justify and explain and justify--so much nicer that she understood what he needed. And how bad he wanted it. He felt so good about her depth of understanding.

"Are you glad you have finally found me--the one you want--to give you that bare bottom grown-up spanking you dream about" "Yes, I can't stop 'loving' you because of how you make me feel." "I know, you must have dreamed about this for so long." "How did you know" "Well, a few years ago, I sat for another much younger boy than you, who, I discovered, had this need to be spanked. He would promise to be good for me if only I promised I would spank him before his bedtime."

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